It is a private quality and sustainability certification system developed through several European projects of the same name (BIOmasud financed with ERDF funds under the Interreg IV-B program) and Biomasud Plus (financed with the H2020 program) and belongs to the international consortium of the projects. It is a certification system focused on Mediterranean biofuels for domestic use: wood pellets, olive stones wood chips, dried fruit shells, olive tree and vineyard prunings. For solid biofuels with international standards (wood pellets, chips, …) the system was based on them (ISO-17225). For the rest, throughout the aforementioned projects, own BIOmasud standards have been developed that have subsequently been approved by the Spanish committee for the normalization of biofuels CTN164 (UNE-164003 for olive stones and UNE-164004 for dried fruit shells.
Apart from quality, the system also includes sustainability requirements such as the carbon footprint, the energy invested to produce the biofuel or the sustainable origin of the raw material. The rights of the BIOmasud® brand in Spain are held by AVEBIOM and CIEMAT.